Landfinder find MOONLANDs to buy & collect


It all starts from Ground Zero, where The Moonlanders first settled. 20% of surrounding MOONLANDs in this sector will be released during unlock events. Grab them while you can!

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Developing MOONLANDs

As you rest, your AGENT1 develops your MOONLAND to evolve with other Metaverse Lands like Decentraland, Sandbox, NFT Worlds and the upcoming Otherside Lands that you have in your wallets. They continue to reflect and integrate with them in your collection.

Who owns the Moon?

No one owns the Moon, but in Moonland, YOU do. That's because of a piece of international law. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, put forward by the United Nations, says that space belongs to no one COUNTRY.